Peregrine's approach balances inspiration, structure and pragmatism.
We’ll work with you to arrive at practical solutions that fit your organization and budget.
Projects typically include the following steps:
To make sure we’re fully knowledgeable about your vision, goals, history and processes.
Clear understanding of project objectives, boundaries, and rules
Ensure that potential solutions are practical and based in reality, taking into account internal capabilities, budgets, competition, and timing
Every project involves some level of research, to enable informed decisions.
We don’t waste time on ‘nice-to-know’ stuff.
Projects start with stakeholder interviews and review of available internal studies and information
Online research and syndicated data provide competitive and industry context
As appropriate, custom research such as qualitative studies and/or quantitative surveys
We integrate all learnings and present a recommended approach.
Recommendations include rationale, implications and rough costs
Alternative approaches are presented as generated by our work
If requested, we can provide specific, detailed plans to put strategies into action.
We make sure the approach fits your budget and organizational capacity
We can call upon our team of subject matter experts, or work with your existing agencies