Repositioning a Luxury Brand
Niche leader in luxury offshore outboard catamarans ($100-400k at retail)
Solid market share but stalled
Weak image / awareness - and 3 brands
Reliance on tribal knowledge (vs. insight)
Amazing ride and obvious reason why
Operational constraints
Limited resources
Research provided key insights into catamaran owners:
Attitude-driven – confident, individualists
Function over form
Information junkies - analytical
High owner loyalty – consider ‘best performing’
Diverse sources of volume
“Pounding” is universal language for rough ride
75% of monohull boaters not interested in catamarans
Actions taken
Target low-hanging fruit - the 25% of boaters already curious
New look: logo, tagline, website, catalog, boat appearance
Brand consolidation: Support 1 brand vs 3
Compelling new breakthrough creative (leveraging visual / language insights from consumer research)
Dealer support: materials, photo/video, POS, boat shows, leads
Digital outreach / nurturing – new CRM system - and full cleaning of owner/prospect database
Market share increased over a full share point
Unit sales increased over 20% for 3 straight years
Profitability increased due to mix (larger boats)
Brand awareness more than doubled – in about 15 months
Active boater/prospect database more than doubled